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Zur aktuellen Situation des Schwarzstorchs im Fichtelgebirge (Oberfranken)

Brutmännchen "Torres" bewacht seinen Nachwuchs an einem traditionellen Brutplatz im Zentrum des Fichtelgebirges. Der Bursche wurde...

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Field Harrier Project MV" - Special Nest Protection

Here is an overview about the breeding population of Montagu's Harrier inside the districts of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania between 1997 - 2010. 
About 95 % of pairs breeding in fields (grain) - therefore, we use also the name "Field Harrier".

First zone (great) nest protection area during the grain harvest.

Second zone (sensitive) nest fence (1 m high). Special protection from predatory mammals.

Montagu's male on the field track near the nest.

During the nest fence construction and parallel harvest! (Photo: A. Hofmann).

Montagu's nest after the construction of the fence (here in the barley field).

Young male (note the iris color) of Montagu's during the ringing.

Beautiful fledged young Montagu's Harrier - without the fence no chance...!

Special thanks to A. Hofmann, H. Eggers, G. Olsthoorn and B. Rosan.